Reviving an act of the Prophetic Sunnah, is it recommended?
Amr ibn Awf reported that one day the prophet told Bilal ibn al-Harith, ''Know, O Bilal''. ''What must I know, O messenger of Allah?'', he asked. {The prophet} replied, ''Know that anyone who revives one sunnah (practice) of mine that has fallen into disuse after my life time will get as much reward as those who will follow that sunnah, without their reward being diminished in the least. And anyone who introduces a misguided innovation with which neither Allah nor his messenger are pleased will bear as many sins as those who act on their innovations, without those people's burden of guilt being diminished in the least.''
Ibn Abbas also reported that the prophet (PBUH) said: ''One who holds fast to my sunnah when my nation (Ummah) is corrupt will have the reward of a hundred martyrs.''