The ruling on a mu`ezzin invoking peace and blessings upon the Prophet after prayers
What is the ruling on a mu`ezzin (caller to prayer) invoking peace and blessings upon the Prophet
after prayers?

Invoking peace and blessings upon the Prophet
after the adhan (call to prayer) is an established sunna that was mentioned in authentic Prophetic reports. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As (may Allah be pleased with them) narrated that he heard the Prophet
say, "If you hear the mu`ezzin making the adhan, repeat what he says after him and then invoke peace and blessings upon me. For whoever invokes peace and blessings upon me once, Allah sends blessings upon him ten-fold. Then ask Allah to grant me al-waseela — it is a rank in Paradise that is reserved for only one of the servants of Allah and I hope to that person. Whosoever asks Allah to grant me al-waseela will earn my intercession" [Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, and an-Nisa`i].

Nothing has been mentioned in source texts obligating the manner of invoking peace and blessings upon the Prophet, whether silently or audibly. The matter is capacious and when Allah legislates a matter in a general fashion and it can be done in more than one manner, it must be interpreted in light of its capaciousness. It is invalid to restrict it to one manner or another except in the existence of substantiating proof.
The words of the Prophet
evince the [recommendation] of invoking peace and blessings upon him audibly after the adhan. Abu al-Darda` (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that upon hearing the adhan, the Messenger of Allahwould say, "O Allah! Lord of this comprehensive call and current prayer, grant Muhammad his request on the Day of Judgment." Those around him would hear him making this supplication, and he liked them to supplicate with the same after the adhan. He said, "Whosoever supplicates with the same when he hears the mu`ezzin calling out the adhan, the intercession of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, becomes mandatory for him on the Day of Judgment"[Reported by at-Tabari in his Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabeer].

In any case, the matter is capacious and the right thing to do is to let the people act spontaneously — whoever wishes may invoke the Prophet
with whatever he wishes and in the manner he wishes, and whoever wishes may invoke the Prophet
silently or restrict his invocations to the phrasing he prefers. Moreover, whoever wishes may embellish his voice while making the invocations, whether or not an interval separates it and the adhan. The words of the adhan are known and there is no fear that they may be confused for others. The important thing is that a Muslim is to do what he finds in his heart and, as long as the matter is capacious, no one is entitled to object to another's practice.

Allah the Almighty knows best.