Proceeding to Arafat on the eighth day of Dhul-Hijjah instead of going to Mina
Is it permissible for a pilgrim to proceed to Arafat on the eighth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah instead of going to Minna; because of the crowding that occurs while climbing up to Arafat?
The eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah is the day of tarwiah [the eight day of Dhu al-Hijjah]. It was given this name because the pilgrims would rest themselves, their animals; and their voluntary sacrifices, and they would water them on their way to Arafat, they did this in order to prepare for that great day and the other ceremonies of Eid following that day, on the Day of Immolation, and on the three days following the Eid [ayam al-tashreeq].
The sunnah is for him to go there during the midmorning and while there, to pray the Noon, Midafternoon, Sunset and Night Prayers, and to shorten four raka’ prayers to two raka’s but without combining them. [It is a sunnah] to stay the night in Minna to pray Fajr and then set out to Arafat at midnoon. If the pilgrim did any thing in contrast to this and went to Arafat in the eighth day to avoid the crowd ness, there is nothing on him and his pilgrimage is valid. What matters is that he has left a recommended act for an excuse, perhaps he will be rewarded for the thing he would have done if not for the excuse.
Expiation is due in case of omitting obligations not sunnan.
Allah the Almighty and Majestic knows best