Human planning vs. God's destiny: i...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

Human planning vs. God's destiny: is there a way for reconciliation between them?


Human planning vs. God's destiny: is there a way for reconciliation between them?


Allah gave man freedom to choose; at the same time He taught him that everything runs in conformity with His destiny and knowledge.
This matter can be represented by the relation between causes and the power of Allah Who posses the absolute control over their effects. Meaning that Allah's knowledge encompasses everything and He destined for every human his way and course of actions in this life. In the mean time, Allah commanded man to follow the causes which lead to effects. It is impermissible for man to abandon causes under the pretext of predestination [everything is predestined and wrote], since no one can know what is destined for him/her. This is because Allah is the Creator Who controls everything; humans, causes and the effects. However, one must obey Allah and follow the commands of the Shari'ah, work, plan, and follow the causes in everything he does. In the mean time, one must realize that everything goes under the absolute power of Allah Who controls everything.

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