What is halal meat? Is the sheep or...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

What is halal meat? Is the sheep or goat slaughtered by Christians lawful to eat?


What is halal meat? Is the sheep or goat slaughtered by Christians lawful to eat?


It is permissible to eat from animals slaughtered by a Christian or a Jew because of the general implication of the words of God Almighty Who says: "The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them" (Quran 5: 5).
Meat is unlawful when:
- One is certain it comes from animals that are unlawful to eat.
- It comes from animals which have not been ritually slaughtered.
- It comes from animals slaughtered by a person who is not from among the People of the Book.
And God the Almighty knows best.


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