Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta: The international media is morally responsible to marginalize radical ideologies

Dr. Ibrahim Negm, the Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt, left for the US to inform the political decision-making circles and the American media on Dar al-Ifta’s global campaign aimed to clarify the truth about Islam in light of the growing Islamophobia in Europe and the US in the wake of the Paris attacks.
Dr. Negm said, “These are difficult times for Muslims when hostile campaigns against Islam and Muslims are escalating and actions that are contrary to the spirit of Islam are exploited to reinforce the stereotype image of Islam as a religion of violence and terrorism.”
Dr. Negm stressed that we are in dire need to speak to the world at these volatile times because we have fallen in the trap of addressing only ourselves. He added that the international media is morally responsible to marginalize radical ideologies and give full opportunity to specialized scholars and intellectuals to speak in the name of Islam.