Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta denounces Rabbi’s call to burn mosques and churches in Jerusalem

In response to the Israeli Rabbi Bentzi Gopstein’s radical call to burn mosques and churches in Jerusalem, the Islamophobia monitoring observatory at Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta has vehemently denounced his words and invited the entire world to declare it a hate crime against humanity.
In a press statement, the observatory stated that the Rabbi’s call incites hatred sentiments, spreads religious strife and ethnic cleansing wars in the region. In addition, the observatory stressed that such kind of hate rhetoric fuels the extremist groups to promote their radical ideologies among the youth, incites hostility among people of other faiths and fosters ethnic and sectarian strife that threaten the entire region.
In conclusion, the observatory called for taking a decisive action against such hate rhetoric and to protect Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian sanctuaries as well against the extremist Jewish actions.