The Merits of Tawbah (repentence): What are they?

According to al-Aghrar ibn Yasar al-Muzani, ''the messenger of Allah said: ''O people, turn to Allah in repentance, and seek his forgiveness. Indeed, I make repentance a hundred times a day''.
Abu Hurayrah said, ''I heard Allah's messenger declare: 'By Allah's forgiveness and turn to him in repentance more than seventy times a day'''.
Anas ibn Malik, the servant of Allah's messenger said, ''the messenger of Allah declared: 'Truly, Allah is more overjoyed at his servant's repentance than any of you would be if he stumbled upon his long-lost camel in the wildness'''.
According to another version, he said: ''Imagine one of you traveling in the desert on a camel. His camel darts away of him carrying all his food and drink, and he disappear of ever recovering the camel. He then comes to a tree and lies down in its shade, having given up all hope of his camel. While in that state, suddenly he finds his camel by his side, grasps its halter, and says in extreme joy: 'O Allah, you are my servant and I am your lord!' - the mistake being due to his great joy. Truly, Allah's joy when his servant repents is greater than that man's joy''.
According to Abu Musa abd Allah ibn Qays al-Ashari, the prophet declared: ''Allah most high will extend his hand at night so that daytime sinner may turn to him in repentance, and he will extend his hand in day-time that night-time sinner may turn to him in repentance, until the sun rises from the west (on the last day)''.