Egypt’s Mufti receives a delegation...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

Egypt’s Mufti receives a delegation of female Libyan scholars, stresses importance of combating extremist ideologies

Egypt’s Mufti receives a delegation of female Libyan scholars, stresses importance of combating extremist ideologies

January 20, 2020

Egypt’s Grand Mufti, President of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, Dr. Shawki Allam received on Monday a delegation of Libyan female scholars, who completed their training at the World Organization for al-Azhar Graduates, and are looking forward to knowing Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta experience in combating extremist ideologies and facing the chaos of issuing fatwas.

Dr. Allam stressed during the meeting the importance of pursuing bilateral cooperation between the two countries at all levels and explained the efforts exerted by Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta through its research entities to serve fatwa issuance. “It is important to educate people on the lethal outcomes of extremist ideologies and necessity to promote moderate methodology in Libya,” Dr. Allam added.



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