Did the prophet really “always endure all insults?” What are the Quranic references to support this?
Did the prophet really “always endure all insults?” What are the Quranic references to support this?
Prophet Muhammad since the beginning of revelation, was accused of by his people with the most heinous accusations not only verbally but he was also subjected to physical harm. During these tough times, he always resorted to non violence and preferred to endure pain without complaining. This was highlighted in one of the occasions in which Prophet Muhammad was severely injured when he went to the outskirts of Makkah in a town named “Ta’if”. The chieftains of the tribe living there vehemently refused the Prophet’s invitation to Islam and insulted him badly. They did not only leave it at that but they went further and asked their kids and slaves to chase the Prophet out of town throwing him with rocks and stones till he was covered with blood. The prophet took a shelter under a tree and in his utmost feelings of agony made a famous supplication to his Lord saying
“I complain to You the feebleness of my strength, and the littleness of my resources, and how insignificant I am to people, O the Most Merciful of all showing mercy, you are the Lord of the oppressed and the helpless and you are my Lord. Whom do you entrust me to? To some stern stranger? Or to some enemy whom you have given him control over my affairs? If you have no wrath over me, I have no objection to what I am going through, except that Your grant for well- being would be immense to me. I seek refuge in the effulgence of your countenance which dispels the darkness and sets matters straight in this world and the next, so that I may never incur Your wrath or earn Your displeasure. I shall plead with You till You be pleased. And I have no power or strength save Yours.”
This supplication among numerous others indicates that Prophet Muhammad was never after revenge or retaliation even when he became powerful with an equipped army. For example Prophet Muhammad fled from his home town, Makkah, after being persecuted severely and miraculously survived an assassination attempt. His companions as well were subjected to excruciating pain by their people for embracing Islam and their money was looted and their properties were destroyed in retaliation. In the 8th year of Hijrah the Prophet marched back to Makkah with his equipped army and the companions were both excited for going back home and some of them were holding grudges against the Makkah people for what they have done to them. One of the companions held his sword and chanted out loud “today is the time of revenge” so the prophet took the sword from his hand and said “today is a time of mercy”. When Prophet Muhammad entered Makkah, he asked the people of Makkah “What do you think I would do to you all?” so they said “we have known you to be a generous brother from a generous lineage” so he answered in reply “Go, you are all free”.
These prophetic stories have its roots in the Quran through numerous verses such as:
· And We already know that your breast is constrained by what they say. 15 : 97
· And grieve not over them or be in distress from what they conspire. 27:70
· And when you see those who engage in [offensive] discourse concerning Our verses, then turn away from them until they enter into another conversion. And if Satan should cause you to forget, then do not remain after the reminder with the wrongdoing people. 6 :68
· For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." 109:6
· Say, "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, " God . And indeed, we or you are either upon guidance or in clear error." 34:24
· Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not guide whom you like, but God guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided. 28:56
· Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until God delivers His command. Indeed, God is over all things competent. 2:109
· and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that God should forgive you? And God is Forgiving and Merciful. 24:22
· And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. 21:107
· And when they hear ill speech, they turn away from it and say, "For us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds. Peace will be upon you; we seek not the ignorant." 28:55