Is it true that if it were not for our Prophet Muhammad, God would not have created us?

Is the statement “if it were not for our Master Muhammad, God would have not created the creation” of sound meaning? Does it contradict the basis of Islamic creed and what is its true meaning?
The basis of words that come from believers is that they be given meanings that have no contradictory positions towards the religion. It is not proper that we should be quick to judge people and label them as disbelievers (kafirs), sinners, misguided, and innovators. One’s Islam is a strong indicator that obliges us to not hold one’s words to their apparent meaning if these meanings are ones of disbelief and error.
This is a rule that all Muslims should learn and apply when they hear anything coming from their coreligionists. For example a Muslim believes that Jesus brought people to life after death by the permission of God and that he was not able to do this on his own. A Christian believes that Jesus brought people to life after death but because he posses the inherent power to do this since they believe he was God or the son of God, or a hypostasis of God. According to this if we heard a Muslim saying that they believe that Jesus brought the dead back to life and the same was said by a Christian, we cannot assume that the Muslim means exactly what the Christian means. Rather, I understand the Muslim’s statement to be in accordance with his Islam and his belief in tawhid.
As for the statement mentioned in the question, it has no exoteric or esoteric meaning that is contrary to our faith. If a person believes that all of creation was created for one person then this does not take them outside the folds of Islam, even if this belief is incorrect.
The statement that, “if it were not for our Master Muhammad, God would have not created the creation” is a reaffirmation of our belief as Muslims, especially if it is understood properly. God says in the Qur’an, “I have not created humans and Jinns except to worship me” so the realization of worship and servitude to God is the wisdom and purpose behind creation. This worship and servitude cannot be realized without those who worship and serve, so worship and servitude are nonessential characteristics which are held by the worshiper himself, and the best of worshipers is the Messenger of God as he is the title of worship and the title of monotheism. This is especially true since the verse talks about humans and Jinns and not the rest of creation. The rest of creation has been created for mankind, “and He has made of service to you all that is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; it is all from Him. Indeed in this are portents for a people who reflect.”
Based on this discussion we can see that this statement is perfectly congruent with the principles of the Shari‘a. The Messenger of God is the one who realized the purpose behind creation since he is the title of the monotheism and servitude to God, which is the purpose behind all of creation. He is the most perfect of all of mankind and the title of humanity which God created all in the heavens and earth for. God is most high and most knowledgeable