Muslims are vital part of social fabric in non-Muslim communities

In his speech delivered at Baku's International conference on "Tackling Islamophobia," Dr. Ibrahim Negm, Senior Advisor to Egypt's Mufti and Secretary-General of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, stated that the Islamic presence in non-Muslim-majority communities is a vital and indispensable part of the social fabric, especially in these times. "Muslims in non-Muslim communities are ambassadors and representatives of Islamic civilization in political, economic, intellectual, and other fields, in addition to their role in shaping the future of their society," Dr. Negm emphasized.
Dr. Negm highlighted the endeavors of Egypt's Dar al-Ifta to promote moderation, defend Islam, and combat chaos in religious discourse, confirming that it will intensify its efforts in the coming period to enhance coordination and cooperation with Western media outlets to combat extremism and terrorism, and to present the true image of Islam and its moderate values, instead of the distorted stereotype presented by some biased media sources.