The Ideal Human: Revisiting Prophet Muhammad's Legacy

Dr. Heba Salah
Senior Researcher and Interpreter
The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provides humanity with the perfect model of an ideal human being. In the Quran, his humanity is repeatedly emphasized, reminding us that he was not just a spiritual figure but a human being sent with a divine mission. The Prophet himself acknowledged this when he said: "I am only a human being like you; I forget as you forget, so if I forget, remind me." This statement is a profound reminder of the balance between his human qualities and his extraordinary role as the final Messenger of Allah. Understanding this balance is essential to appreciating his legacy and avoiding misunderstandings that have led others astray.
The disbelievers of Quraysh, such as Abu Jahl and Utbah ibn Rabi'ah, misunderstood this aspect of the Prophet's life. They could not comprehend how a person with human needs could be divinely chosen for such a mission. They mocked him, saying: "What is this Messenger who eats food and walks in the markets?" [Quran 25:7]. Their skepticism was rooted in their limited view of humanity. They assumed that since the Prophet ate, drank, and lived among them, he must also have desires for power, wealth, and prestige like they did. They could not fathom that someone could transcend these worldly ambitions and act purely for the sake of Allah.
In contrast, the Companions, like Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and Umar al-Faruq (may Allah be pleased with them), grasped the true essence of the Prophet’s humanity. They understood that while he was human, he was also divinely chosen and carried a unique role that no ordinary person could bear. The Prophet (peace be upon him) understood this from the words of Allah Almighty, "Say O Prophet, 'I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your Lord is one God'" [Quran 18:110]. Though he shared outward similarities with others, the weight of the revelation set him apart. He was chosen to carry a burden so immense that even the mountains could not withstand it: "If We had sent down this Quran upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah" [Quran 59:21].
This distinction was not lost on the Companions, who recognized the Prophet’s humanity as a divine gift to the world. They saw him not merely as a man but as a source of blessings. His very presence was sanctified, and even the earth beneath his feet was considered pure. The Companions sought blessings from everything associated with him, including his saliva, as narrated by Urwah ibn Mas`ud before his conversion. This reverence was rooted in their understanding of the Prophet's unique position as the chosen one of Allah, a figure unlike any other human being.
However, even the Companions sometimes needed reminders of the limits of the Prophet's unique qualities. Once, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As (may Allah be pleased with him) hesitated to record everything the Prophet said after being told by the Quraysh that the Prophet, being human, might speak out of anger or pleasure. When he mentioned this to the Prophet, he was corrected: "Write, for by the One in Whose hand is my soul, nothing comes out of it (his mouth) except the truth." This demonstrates that while the Prophet had human emotions, his words, whether spoken in anger or pleasure, were divinely guided.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was meticulously prepared by Allah for his role as a Messenger. As the Quran says: "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear" [Quran 2:286], and the Prophet’s unique capacity allowed him to bear the heavy weight of the revelation. Allah had chosen him long before his earthly existence, as the Prophet himself said: "I was a Prophet while Adam was between soul and body." His prophetic mission was part of a divine plan, designed to guide humanity toward righteousness.
In conclusion, understanding Prophet Muhammad's humanity is key to understanding his legacy. He embodied the ideal human, a balance of worldly existence and spiritual greatness. His life serves as a guide for all, showing how one can live a human life while maintaining the highest moral and spiritual standards. Through his example, we are reminded that being human does not preclude us from striving for greatness. Rather, like the Prophet, we can transcend our worldly desires and live lives dedicated to the truth and the service of Allah.