The permissibility of leaving Muzda...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

The permissibility of leaving Muzdalifa for Mecca to perform tawaf al-ifada before stoning Jamarat al-'Aqaba


We reviewed request no. 3189 for the year 2005 which includes the following:

    Is it permissible for a pilgrim to depart from Muzdalifa and head to Mecca to perform tawaf al-ifada before stoning Jamarat al-'Aqaba?


      The acts of yawm al-nahr (day of slaughtering) include:

- Stoning Jamarat al-'Aqaba.
- Shaving or shortening the hair.
-  Tawaf al-ifada (the "going forth" circumambulation).
 - Performing sa'y (traversing between al-Safa and al-Marwa) if it was not performed after tawaf al-qudum (arrival circumambulation).
-  Sacrificing an animal for those performing hajj tamattu' ('umra before hajj) or qiran (hajj and 'umra simultaneously) and are non-residents of Mecca.
It is permissible to perform some acts before others, such as performing tawaf al-ifada before stoning Jamarat al-'Aqaba, due to the words of 'Abdallah Ibn 'Amr Ibn al-'As (may Allah be pleased with them both) who narrated that he was present when the Prophet delivered a sermon on yawm al-nahr. During the sermon a man stood up and said, "I thought that such-and-such an act was performed before such-and-such." Another man stood up and said, "I thought that such-and-such an act was performed before such-and-such. I had my head shaved before sacrificing my animal and sacrificed before stoning." The Prophett told them both, "There is no harm." On that day, there was not a matter he was not asked about to which he did not reply, "Do so and there is no harm" [Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim and others].

    Allah the Almighty knows best.

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