Mawa`id al-Rahman [public banquets ...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

Mawa`id al-Rahman [public banquets for Iftar]


What is the ruling of Maw`id al-Rahman?


Zayd ibn Khaled al-Juhani narrated that the Prophet [PBUH] said: "Whoever breaks another's fast earns the same reward as the one who fasted without diminishing the latter's reward in the slightest" [Reported by al-Tirmidhi who declared it fair and authentic]. 

Salaman al-Farsi, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet [PBUH] said: "Whoever breaks another's fast in Ramadan will have his sins forgiven and he will be saved from Hell-fire. He will earn the same reward as the fasting person without diminishing the latter's reward in the slightest." They [the Companions] said: "O Messenger of Allah! Not all of us are capable of providing food for a fasting person."

The Messenger of Allah replied: "Allah gives this reward to whoever provides food for a fasting person even if it be a date, a sip of water or some milk mixed with water"
[Reported by ibn Khuzama in his Sahih].

This hadith proves that the person who gives food to a fasting person to break his fast earns a great reward. The superiority of the reward is such that it used to supplicate for another. When eating at someone's house, the Prophet [PBUH] used to say: "May a fasting person break his fast in your home" [Abu Dawud, al-Nisa`i, and ibn Majah. Ibn Haban declared it authentic] i.e. 'may Allah reward you for breaking another's fast.'

When breaking another's fast, a Muslim's intention must be sincere to Allah Almighty; his sole aim must be to attain His satisfaction and nothing else, whether hypocrisy before others or to acquire honor. Only then will Allah accept his deed.

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