Egypt's Dar al-Ifta announces the establishment of an international academy to train preachers and muftis in fatwa and its sciences.

Dr. Shawqi Allam, the Grand Mufti of Egypt and the Head of the Secretariat General for Fatwa offices Worldwide, emphasized that the Secretariat General aims to execute a range of initiatives and academic projects. He added that it will hold a conference on “Academic Training and Preparation of Imams of Muslim communities in Non-Muslim Countries on Fatwa Issues.”
Dr. Allam further announced the establishment of an international academy to train preachers and muftis in fatwa and its sciences, thereby enhancing their performance. He also announced the publication of a scholarly journal in several languages to explore unprecedented and controversial issues.
Dr. Allam said that the Secretariat General will translate its work and scholarly production into several languages to facilitate communication with Muslims and non-Muslims across the world. He added that it will also dispatch scholarly delegations abroad to acquaint the other with true Islam.