The Excellence of Dhikr (Remembrance of God)
'Abd Allah ibn Busr reported that a man said, ''O messenger of Allah, the laws of Islam are too many for me, so tell me something that I may cling to''. He replied: ''Let your tongue never cease to be moist from invoking Allah''.
(Related by al-Tirmidhi, ibn Majah, Al Hakim, and ibn Hibban)
According to Muadh, a man asked the prophet: ''Which Mujahid (striver in the caise of Allah) will receive the greatest reward?''. {The prophet} replied: ''The one who remembers Allah (Blessed and exalted is He) the most''. The man asked: ''Which righteous person will receive the highest reward?'' the prophet replied: ''The one who remembers Allah (Blessed and exalted is He) the most''. The man repeated the question, mentioning prayer (Salat), the poor tax (Zakat), the pilgrimage (Hajj), and charity (Sadaqah). Each time the messenger of Allah replied, ''The one who remembers Allah (Blessed and exalted is He) the most''. Then Abu Bakr said to 'Umar: ''O Abu Hafs, those who remember Allah have carried off all the goodness!'' the messenger of Allah remarked: ''Yes indeed!''
(Related by Ahmed ibn Hanbal and at-tirmidhi)