Chapter 23 For those who have a special need to ask from Allah

Abd Allah ibn Abi Awfa reported that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ''He who has a need of Allah or any if the children of Adam should perform a thorough ablution (wudu) and offer two rak'ahs of prayer. He should then praise Allah and invoke his blessings upon the prophet (PBUH).
After that, he should say: 'there is no God but Allah, the forbearing, the Generous. Exalted is Allah, Lord of the worlds. O Allah, I ask you {to guide me to} deeds that bring your mercy and forgiveness. I ask you for protection against committing any sin; for the benefit of performing all acts of virtue (birr); and for safety from doing any wrong. Leave no sin of mine unforgiven, no trouble of mine unrelieved, and satisfy all my needs that it pleases you to meet, O most merciful of the merciful.'''
The dua' in Arabic: '' La Ilah illa Allahu Al haleem al karim, subhan Allahi rabbi l-arshi l-azim. Alhamdulilahi rabbi l-almin, asa'luka mujebat rahmatik w 'azaem maghferatek wal salama min koli dhanb, walghanima min koli birr, wasalamata min kuli ithm. La tada li dhanban illa ghafartah, wala hamman illa farrajtah, wala hajatan hiya laka ridaan illa qadaytaha ya arhama ar-rahmin'.
(Related by at-Tirmidhi and ibn Majah)