Chapter 8 Salat at-Tasabih : A special prayer for the pious
Ikrma reported from ibn Abbas that the prophet (PBUH) said to al-Abas al-Muttalib: ''O my uncle 'Abbas! Should o not be kind, generous and obliging to you? Should I not urge you to practise ten good habits for which, if you practise them, Allah will forgive your sins – first and last, old and new, major and minor, inadvertent and deliberate, secret and visible? Ten habits: pray four rak'ahs, and in each recite al fatiha (the opening chapter of Holy Quraan) and another surah. When you finish reciting in the first raka'ahs remain standing and repeat these words {of glorification (Tasbih)} fifteen times: 'Glorified is Allah; praise be to Allah; there is no God but Allah; Allah is the most great (Subhan Allah, wal Hamdolillah, wa la ilaha illa Allah, wallahu Akbar)'.
Then bow down in your first ruku'. While you are in this position recite {those tasbih} ten times. Then, raising your head from ruku', recite {the tasbih} ten times. Prostrate yourself, and whilst in sajdah recite them ten times. Then sit up from sujud and while in the sitting position, recite {the tasbih} ten times. Prostrate yourself once again and recite them ten times. Then sit up again and recite them ten times.
(Related by Abu Da'ud, ibn majah, and ibn Khuzaymah)