Chapter 12 The pillars of Islam
Muadh in Jabal said: ''I was traveling with the messenger of Allah. One morning while riding close to him I said to him: 'O messenger of Allah, tell me of some good deed whereby I may enter paradise and be far removed from the fire'. He replied: 'You have asked about a momentous matter. Truly it is easy for those for whom Allah most high makes it easy: worship Allah and associate nothing with him; maintain the ritual prayers; pay Zakat; Fast Ramadan; and perform pilgrimage (Hajj) to the house {Ka'bah}'.
Then he (PBUH) added: 'Shall I guide you to the gates of goodness (Khayr)?'. I said: 'Yes indeed, O messenger of Allah'. He said: 'Fasting is a shield; charity extinguishes wrongs as water puts out fire; and {the other gate is} a man's prayer (Salat) in the depths of the night'. He then recited the words of Allah {Surah 32, verses 16-17}: ''They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend. And no soul knows what has been hidden for them of comfort for eyes as reward for what they used to do''.
He then asked, 'Shall I tell you what is the essential thing, it's pillar and its highest peak?'. I answered: 'Yes, O messenger of Allah'. He said: ''The essential thing is Islam; prayer (Salat) is its pillar; and its heights peak is Jihad (Struggle in the cause of Islam)'. Then he said, 'Shall I tell you the basis of all this?', Pointing to his tongue. I asked, 'Are we to be punished for what we say with it?'. He replied: 'Yes, by your mother's grief! Nothing will fling people down onto their faces in hell except the harvests they reap with their tongues'.''