Spending money on assassinations is a major sin and corruption on earth

In response to instigative fatwas posted on some infidelizing websites, Dar al-Ifta` issued a fatwa stating that the assassination of public, political, and military figures and spending money for this purpose is considered corruption on earth, transgression without right, and a major sin. Persistence on this path furthermore strips the perpetrator of his faith. The fatwa stated that Islamic law prevents the killing of unsuspecting individuals and that a Muslim’s faith prevents him from killing. It added that such acts have nothing to do with the rulings of Islam and its magnanimity and such heinous acts only serve to consolidate the rumors and erroneous charges against Islam and seek to portray Islam as an uncivilized and bloody religion. The fatwa also maintained that it is prohibited in Islamic law to offer and accept money to kill others since this is considered assistance in sin. Dar al-Ifta` confirmed that human life—whether that of a Muslim or non-Muslim—is safeguarded and that the Qur`an categorically prohibits killing another without right.