Terrorism has become an international phenomenon and no country is completely immune against its crimes

Dr. Ibrahim Negm, the Senior Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt, stressed that terrorism places a burden upon the majority of Muslims and wastes in a single day the efforts we exert in years for correcting the image of Islam to the entire world. Its crimes constitutes a challenge to us for eliminating the stereotyped distorted images attached to Islam in the name of terrorism.
In his speech in the Assembly of the World's Religions in New York which hold an unprecedented session yesterday following up Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack last week, the Senior Advisor to the Grand Mufti stressed that Egypt’s experience in combating terrorism is an example which the whole world should follow. He further added, Egyptian people has rejected both terrorism and terrorists forever.
Negm, elucidated that terrorism has become an international phenomenon and no country is completely immune against its crimes as he stressed that the whole world must be united in combating terrorism.
Negm futher pointed out to the necessity of purifying the message of Islam which is characterized with mercy and peace from such unethical practices committed by these extremists and terrorists. They failed in reaching the proper exegesis of Qur`anic verses in addition to their ignorance of the necessary tools, legal deduction and the objectives of Islamic law and its principles.
He further stressed that in Egypt, we tackle the issue of religious extremism in respect of our main message that the basic objective for all religions is achieving societal peace. He added, the victory in our methodological combat against extremism and terrorism is a victory for human values in general which achieves global stability.
Dr. Negm demonstrated the efforts exerted by Dar al-Iftaa in refuting the extremist ideologies through a scholarly methodology in order to protect the youth from falling preys to this deviancy
In the end, Dr. Negm, called upon the Muslim communities living in Europe and USA to contribute positively to their European societies, shun extremism and stand united against terrorism