Marking International Day to Combat Islamophobia, Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta calls on international community to promote awareness and dialogue against religious intolerance
In a news statement issued on March 15, 2024, on the occasion of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta stated that Islamophobia is a phenomenon that has become troubling for Western societies and requires serious action to confront it so that all humans can peacefully coexist.
Regarding the social sphere, Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta explained that Islamophobia is manifested in discrimination, negative stereotyping, and bias against Muslims based on their religious affiliation, leading to serious repercussions in their treatment. 'These repercussions sometimes escalate to verbal and physical violence, affecting Muslims' lives in the West across various fields such as employment, education, housing, and others,' Dar Al-Ifta added.
In conclusion, Dar Al-Ifta emphasized the necessity of cooperation and joint work among leaderships, religious, and civil society institutions worldwide to build correct awareness and educate about the reality of Islam and Muslims, promoting open and constructive dialogue among different communities, regardless of religion or ethnicity.