Making up the missed fast days of R...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

Making up the missed fast days of Ramadan separately


he petitioner says that her menstrual cycle started at the age of 14. Since then and for many years, she would refrain from fasting in Ramadan [during her period] for 7 days without making them up. 

What is the legal ruling for making up these missed fast days by fasting one


Women during menstruation and post-natal bleeding are legally obligated to break their fast

Scholars have agreed that it is prohibited for menstruating women or women in post natal bleeding to fast and that, if they do, their fast will be invalid. They have also unanimously agreed that breaking a fast due to menstruation necessitates making up the missed fast days only.

Making up the missed fast days
It is not obligatory to make up the missed fast days immediately after Ramadan if there was a valid excuse for breaking one's fast. Rather, the matter is open and a person may make up his missed fast days anytime during the upcoming year before the next Ramadan.

Evidence from Sunna
It was authentically reported that the mother of the believers, 'A`isha (may Allah be pleased with her), used to make up her missed fast days in Sha'ban [Muslim].

Scholarly opinions
A woman who fails to make up her missed fasts before the next Ramadan is to fast that Ramadan and make up her missed fasts afterwards.
- Hanafi scholars and al-Hassan al-Basri maintained that a woman who fails to make up her missed fasts before next Ramadan does not pay fidya [compensation] whether or not she had an excuse for this delay.
- Imams Malik, Al-Shafi'i and Ahmed maintained that it is obligatory for a woman to simply make up her missed fasts if she had an excuse for the delay; otherwise, she is obliged to pay a fidya in addition to making up her missed fasts. This is the opinion we advocate.
It is not a condition to make up missed fast days of Ramadan consecutively

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "He can make them up either separately or consecutively, as he wishes" [Al-Darqatni].

The ruling
It is obligatory for the petitioner to hasten making up the accumulated missed fasts before the arrival of next Ramadan.

Allah Most High knows best.

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