Dar al-Ifta permits weak and sick pilgrims not to stay overnight at Mina upon necessity and permits commissioning another to do stoning on their behalf

Egypt's Dar al-Ifta permitted male and female weak sick pilgrims not to stay overnight at Mina. It also permitted them to commission another to do stoning on their behalf and they will not be blameworthy and do not have to make an expiation.
The fatwa issued by Dar al-Ifta al-Missiriyya (Egypt's fatwa House) stated that it is known that obligating pilgrims to stay overnight at Mina along with the other rites of hajj only increases their exhaustion and compromises their ability to ward off epidemics and fatal diseases which are easily spread in crowded areas and which have become a global phenomenon. There is no doubt that women, children, the ill, and the weak are the most susceptible to such harm, so it is only fitting to extend the permissibility of omitting the overnight stay at Mina to them.
The fatwa also permitted weak sick pilgrims from men and women to commission another to do stoning on their behalf provided there is a valid legal excuse like illness and others.