Dar al-Iftaa: Offering Udhiyah [sacrificial animal] is a confirmed sunnah and its conditions must be fulfilled
![Dar al-Iftaa: Offering Udhiyah [sacrificial animal] is a confirmed sunnah and its conditions must be fulfilled](https://www.dar-alifta.org/images/languages/Articles/rfkgrgrgr.jpg)
Dar al-Iftaa emphasized that offering Udhiya (sacrificial animal) is an established sunnah which was legalized to show gratitude to God and in commemoration of the sacrifice of Abraham [peace and blessings be upon him]. And it is considered honoring the symbols of God the Almighty. God says: “That [is so]. And whoever honors the symbols of Allah - indeed, it is from the piety of hearts.” [22: 32] and: “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” [22: 37]
Dar al –Iftaa added in its fatwa that offering sacrificial animal is greatly rewarded by God the Almighty. The Messenger of God [peace and blessings be upon him] said, in response when he was asked about sacrificial animals: O Prophet! What is sacrifice?” He answered, “It is the sunna of your forefather Ibrahim.” They asked, “What benefit is there for us in it?” He replied, “A reward for every hair on the skin of the sacrificed animal.” They asked, "And for animals with wool?” The Messenger of Allah replied, “A reward for every strand of wool" [Bukhari].
The fatwa stressed that the conditions of the sacrificial animal must be fulfilled. Only camels, cattle, sheep and goats may be slaughtered. God says: “To celebrate God's name over the livestock He provided for them.” [Al-Hajj, 34]
Moreover, the sacrificial animal must be free from any defects or diseases. The minimum age is six months for a sheep; one year for a goat; two years for a cow; and five years for a camel, whether male or female. It is permissible for more than one person to sacrifice a single [cow] with several intentions according to the opinion maintained by the majority of scholars. Furthermore, it is permissible for a single person to sacrifice a single cow with several intentions.
It is recommended for the person making the sacrifice to eat from it, give some of it away to relatives and as charity and store some of it. On the day of 'Eid, the Prophet told his Companions, "Eat from the sacrificial animal, give some of it as charity and store some of it." Scholars have stated that it is preferable to eat a third, give out a third in charity and store a third. This is merely an approximate division and not a definite one.
It is recommended for a person to slaughter the animal himself if he can slaughter well, and say, "In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest. O Allah! This is for so-and-so," mentioning his name. Otherwise, he is to commission another person who can slaughter well, though he must attend the sacrifice. The Prophet told his daughter, Fatima, "O Fatima! Go and witness the slaughter of your [sacrificial] animal, because, with the first drop of its blood, Allah will pardon all your sin and say, "My prayers and sacrifice, my life and death, are all for God, Lord of all the worlds; He has no partner. This is what I am commanded, and I am the first to devote myself to Him [Qur`an 6:162-3]." One of the Companions then said, "O messenger of Allah! Is this just for you and your family or for Muslims in general?" The Prophet replied, "This is for Muslims in general."
Scholars maintained that it is permissible to transport the [sacrificial] animal from one country to another. The fatwa added, it is disliked for whoever intends to offer a sacrifice to trim his hair, pare his nails or shave any of his body parts during the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah.
Finally, the dar emphasized that leaving the leftovers of the sacrificial animals in the streets a matter which causes harm to people is prohibited and considered an enormity that must be avoided.