Egypt's Grand Mufti starts a European tour to correct the image of Islam and combat extremism

On a national duty, Egypt's Grand Mufti, Dr. Shawky Allam, starts a European tour on Sunday to clarify the true image of Islam and build bridges of cooperation with the European countries. The tour comes within the framework of the tireless efforts exerted by Dar al-Ifta to spread sound awareness of fatwa issuance [religious edits] among the Muslim communities worldwide.
Dr. Shawki is to start his tour by Netherlands, followed by a visit to France. In Netherlands, he is to meet top officials including Dutch ministers for foreign and interior affairs and members from the committees of foreign and social affairs of the Dutch Parliament. In addition to other numerous activities including meeting university professors and conducting a lecture at the Philosophy and Islamic Studies Department, Utrecht University, titled "Islam and the Challenges of Religious Extremism".
In France, the Grand Mufti is to meet the officials in charge of tope religious and strategic affairs too.
The visit likewise incorporates holding many press and media interviews, the top of which is the interview with the editor-in-chief of "La Croix" newspaper, specialized in religious affairs.
From his part, Dr.Ibrahim Negm, the Senior Advisor to Grand Mufti, stated in press statements that the Mufti's visit comes within the framework of Egypt's Dar al-Ifta performance of its duty to clarify the true religion that terrorist groups have distorted in people’s minds. Dr.Negm added that this visit to Europe comes as a means to activate Egypt's soft power abroad, which proves that Egypt is opening up to the world and ready to reach out its hand to cooperate with European countries to achieve common interests and enhance world peace.