The European Parliament seeks to establish permanent partnership with Dar al- Iftaa

The Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Shawqi Allam, received a delegation from the European Parliament on Wednesday morning in his office.
During the meeting, the Grand Mufti confirmed that the new amendments to the Egyptian constitution represent all factions of the Egyptian nation and confer many rights upon previously marginalized factions. He commended al-Azhar’s role in the drafting of the constitution.
Mr. Jose Maria, PACE rapporteur, said that the endeavors of Dar al-Ifta al-Missriyyah inside and outside Egypt, helps in maintaining stability and global peace. He also expressed his appreciation for the endeavors of Dar al-Ifta and al-Azhar in the constitutional assembly and for their domestic and international roles. He conveyed the Parliament’s desire to establish a permanent partnership with the Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.
Mr. Jose Maria invited the grand Mufti to give a speech at the European Parliament, stressing its support to the ambitions of the Egyptians and said that the European Parliament seeks to cooperate with the coming Egyptian parliament. He added that he will report all of the positive developments in Egypt to the European Parliament.