We are a Muslim family living in Ca...

Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta

We are a Muslim family living in Canada. We have debts which we pay back with interest yet my husband wants to enroll our kids in an expensive private Islamic school. What should take a priority please?

We are a Muslim family living in Canada. We have debts which we pay back with interest yet my husband wants to enroll our kids in an expensive private Islamic school. What should take a priority please?


Salam alykum

We are a Muslim family living in Canada. We have debts and we are paying interest on this debt. My husband decided to enroll our children in a private Islamic school which requires a lot of money. According to Islamic law should settling our debts take priority over enrolling our kids in an expensive school?


Do whatever suits your circumstances. Take into account that giving children a refined education on both the academic and religious levels is the best gift and greatest achievement parents can give their children. This is because Allah entrusted us with our children and, since education entails beneficial knowledge and righteous children who pray for their parents, we will reap the rewards of their education during our lifetime as well as after our death. As for your debts, you can manage them through patience, diligence, hard work and by making du'a` [supplication] to Allah to relieve your debts by His will.

May Allah guide you and your children to that which pleases Him and protect you all.


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