The advisor to the grand mufti presents the first religious TV show in English language directed to Europe and America

Dr. Ibrahim Negm –the advisor to the grand mufti- presents the first daily TV show named “Gifted Mercy” in English in the Egyptian Television broadcasted by the Egyptian satellite channel directed to Europe and America. This is among the Dar’s endeavors to spread the true essence of Islam, moderation and communicating with Islamic communities there.
The advisor to the grand mufti stressed that this TV Show tackles a number of issues that concern the communities there taking into consideration the circumstances of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries.
Negm, called upon the qualified Islamic religious leaderships at Dar al-Ifta’ and the Ministry of Religious Endowments to open themselves up to the outside world, western media and other channels of communication. This is in order to correct the stereotyped distorted image of Islam and refute the claims derived against Islam by the westerns.
He stressed that, fatwas inciting blood-shed, destruction and broadcasting videos of mass murder committed by certain groups under the pretense of implementing Islam is considered a challenge to us for representing the true image of Islam to the whole world.
He further added that, Dar al-Ifta’ provides Islamic legal rulings in ten different languages and endeavors to spread true Islamic values which promote coexistence and mercy among humanity.