"German and French Muslims are leading Europe in its opposition to barbaric acts of QSIS" says Dar al- Iftaa

Dar al- Iftaa praises the German Muslims' invitation to all religions for a joint prayer on Friday to form a united front against the brutality of QSIS. More than 2000 mosques extended their invitations to Germans of all faiths to join them on Friday for prayer against the plague of terrorism and the brutality of radical extremism. From its part, Dar al- Iftaa believes that this invitation is timely as a united front should be established not only among Muslims but also among all sensible people across the globe. Dar al- Iftaa emphasized in its international campaign asking the international media to drop using the term ISIS, that this wave of terrorism does not only target Muslims but its dreadful effects reaches humanity at large.
At the same time four major German Islamic organizations are organizing a peace rally which senior governmental officials are attending to send a clear message that terrorism has no religion and extremism has no place among German Muslims. Dar al- Iftaa commends such move and supports these effective initiatives as it helps the moderate voice of Islam to be heard amid the cacophony of terrorism. Dar al- Iftaa finds it alarming that around 400 Muslim German youth unfortunately joined the terrorist group QSIS and stated that more efforts of integration needs to be in place to prevent these young Germans from joining these barbaric groups.
Similar positive initiatives were conducted by French Muslim leaders who acted as the signatories for "Paris Appeal" a move condemning the horrific acts of terrorism of QSIS which is not only considered a smear on Islam and Muslims but also on humanity. Dar al- Iftaa joins the French call in warning young Europeans from joining such terrorist groups as these murderers lured the weak-minded, half-educated, semi-integrated European Muslims.
Dar al- Iftaa encourages all these Islamic European initiatives which work in opposition to this horrendous wave of extremism. From its part Dar al- Iftaa is more than willing to exert all its efforts in cooperation with European Islamic councils and organizations to counteract this radical and extremist ideologies through disseminating the authentic moderate message of Islam which embraces diversity, entertains differences, encourages coexistence and blesses all efforts of cooperation among all religions to develop a better future for all humans regardless of their cultural back ground, religious affiliation or ethnic origin. Islam supports the family of humanity and Dar al- Iftaa exerts all its efforts to counteract the plague of terrorism in order to save humanity from the dark tunnel of extremism.