Dar al-Iftaa praises “Visit my Mosque” initiative by MCB in England

Egypt’s Dar al-Iftaa praises the pioneering initiative undertaken by 21 mosques in England for opening their doors and welcoming visitors from all religions to be acquainted with the true essence of Islam. This initiative was launched by the Muslim Council of Britain under the name “Visit My Mosque”.
Dar al- Iftaa stressed that we are in need for such initiatives to represent the true tolerant image of Islam and to be acquainted with the lofty manners of the Prophet of mercy [peace and blessings be upon him] practically.
Dar al- Iftaa further added that this initiative and other positive initiatives spread the culture of co-existence and peace. It further spreads compassion within the western communities and contribute efficiently in bringing together the members of the same community from different religions and cultures as mentioned in the holy Qur`an: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. “ [49: 13]