Senior Advisor to Egypt’s Mufti receives a high-level Thai delegation from Bangkok’s International Islamic University

Dr. Ibrahim Negm, Senior Advisor to Egypt’s Mufti, Secretary-General of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, received a high-level delegation from the International Islamic University in Bangkok. The meeting aimed at discussing aspects of enhancing mutual religious cooperation between the two parties.
Dr. Negm presented to the delegation the departments of Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta, the tasks and services they provide inside and outside Egypt. “We receive questions from various countries worldwide and respond to them in 12 languages utilizing modern technological applications,” Dr. Negm explained.
He further added that in 2015, the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, was established as an umbrella for more than 94 Fatwa Institutions from various parts of the world, in order to unify efforts that serve fatwa on a global level.
The Thai delegation praised the great efforts made by Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta, stressing that there are many Thai students studying at Al-Azhar University, some of whom are receiving training on fatwa issuance at Dar Al-Ifta.