Dar al- Iftaa engages with the CNN to clarify the lethal danger of terrorism

Commenting on the important interview that Egypt's Grand Mufti, Dr. Shawky Allam, had with the CNN network, Dr. Ibrahim Negm, Senior Advisor to the Grand Mufti, confirmed that the interview comes within the strategic plan of Dar al-Iftaa to engage the international media. The interview brings to light the efforts exerted to clarify the true image of Islam and correct the stereotypes that the extremists and enemies of Islam instill in people's minds.
Dr. Negm explained that the CNN network’s choice to conduct an interview with the Grand Mufti, as the first Egyptian official to be interviewed since June 30 revolution, reflects the increasing interest in the Scholars of the noble Azhar and the centrality of Egypt, people and leadership, in the light of prompt developments currently taking place in the region. This important interview also reflects the world's interest in renewing the religious discourse which coincides with the call of the Egyptian president Abdul Fattah El-Sisi to combat terrorism.
The Mufti's advisor pointed out that the CNN interview included a number of positive messages clarifying that Islam is entirely above these crimes committed by the terrorist group known as QSIS in the name of religion. In the interview, the Grand Mufti confirmed that terrorism has either no religion or country and all the world is liable to its lethal threats.
Dr. Negm concluded that there is a persistent need to engage in dialogue with the world in such critical times, especially that we recently has fallen into the trap of talking to ourselves, stressing that mass media shoulder a great ethical responsibility of marginalizing the extremist ideologies and allowing the ground to the specialized scholars and thinkers to represent the true image of Islam.